Board Committees

The El Camino Hospital Board of Directors operates with the support of its six Advisory Committees.


Each Committee is comprised of Board members and, since July 2012, individuals from the community. Community members are selected for their subject matter expertise and come from a wide range of business, academic and healthcare backgrounds. The current composition of each Committee was approved by the Board at its meeting in June 2021.

*Denotes an El Camino Hospital Board Member

Compliance and Audit Committee

The Compliance and Audit Committee advises and assists the El Camino Hospital Board of Directors in its exercise of oversight Corporate Compliance, Privacy, Internal and External Audit, Enterprise Risk Management, and Information Technology (IT) Security.

The Committee will accomplish this by monitoring the organization's compliance policies, controls, processes, and the engagement, independence, and performance of the internal auditor and external auditor. In addition, the Compliance and Audit Committee assists the Board in oversight of any regulatory audit and in assuring the organizational integrity of the hospital corporation in a manner consistent with its mission and purpose.

Chair: Jack Po, MD, Ph.D.*
Members: Wayne Doiguchi*, Sylvia Fong, Julia E. Miller*, Lica Hartman, Sharon Anolik Shakked, Christine Sublett

Executive Sponsor: Diane Wigglesworth
Committee Staff
Carlos Bohorquez, Deb Muro, Theresa Fuentes, Gabriel Fernandez

Executive Compensation Committee

The Executive Compensation Committee assists the El Camino Hospital Board of Directors in its responsibilities related to the organization's executive compensation philosophy and policies. In addition, the Executive Compensation Committee shall advise the Board to meet all legal and regulatory requirements as it relates to executive compensation.

Chair: Bob Miller
Vice Chair: George O. Ting, MD*
Members: Estrella Parker, Teri Eyre, Carol Somersille, MD, FACOG*

Executive Sponsor: Deanna Dudley
Committee Staff
Dan Woods, Ed Braxton, Tracy Fowler, Gabriel Fernandez

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee provides oversight, information sharing, and financial reviews related to budgeting, capital budgeting, long-range financial planning and forecasting, and monthly financial reporting for El Camino Hospital Board of Directors. In carrying out its review, advisory, and oversight responsibilities, the Finance Committee shall remain flexible in order to best define financial strategies that react to changing conditions.

Chair: Don Watters*
Members: Wayne Doiguchi*, Peter C. Fung, MD*, Bill Hooper, Cynthia Stewart

Executive Sponsor: Carlos Bohorquez
Committee Staff
Dan Woods, Samreen Salehi

Governance Committee

Governance Committee advises and assists the El Camino Hospital Board of Directors in matters related to governance, board development, board effectiveness, and board composition, i.e., the nomination and appointment/reappointment process. In addition, the Governance Committee ensures the Board and Committees are functioning at the highest level of governance standards.

Chair: Lanhee Chen, JD, Ph.D.*
Members: Don Watters*, Julia E. Miller*, Christina Lai, Ken Alvares, Mike Kasperzak

Executive Sponsor: Dan Woods
Committee Staff
Tracy Fowler, Gabriel Fernandez

Investment Committee

The Investment Committee develops and recommends to the El Camino Hospital Board of Directors the investment policies governing the hospital corporation's assets, maintains current knowledge of the organization's management and investment funds, and provides oversight of the allocation of the investment assets.

Chair: Brooks Nelson
Members: Nicola Boone, John Conover, Robin Driscoll, Ken Frier, Peter C. Fung, MD*, John Zoglin*

Executive Sponsor: Carlos Bohorquez
Committee Staff
Dan Woods, Samreen Salehi

Quality, Patient Care, Patient Experience Committee

The purpose of the Quality, Patient Care and Patient Experience Committee is to advise and assist the El Camino Hospital Board of Directors to monitor and support the quality and safety of care provided at El Camino Health. The Committee will utilize the Institute of Medicine’s framework for measuring and improving quality care in these five domains: safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and person-centered (STEEEP).

Chair: Carol A. Somersille, MD, FACOG*
Vice Chair: Melora Simon
Members: Shahram Gholami, MD, Philip Ho, MD, Prithvi Legha, MD, Krutica Sharma, MD, Steve Xanthopoulos, MD, Pancho Chang, Jack Po, MD, Ph.D.*, John Zoglin*

Committee Staff
Mark Adams, MD, Cheryl Reinking, DNP, RN NEA-BC, Shreyas Mallur, MD, Daniel Shin, MD, Nicole Hartley, Tracy Fowler, Gabriel Fernandez


The Compliance and Audit Committee generally meets six times annually and jointly with the Board of Directors for educational sessions two to three times annually. Participation may, from time to time, be by telephone or video conference. Occasional additional meetings are held as required for non-scheduled matters.