Each year, the Cities Association of Santa Clara County holds an educational meeting, and this year, for the first time, the topic was mental health. El Camino Health was invited to sponsor the event due to mission alignment with our comprehensive mental health services.
Chief executive officer Dan Woods spoke to the audience of city officials and representatives, highlighting our groundbreaking mental health care, from inpatient care at Scrivner Center for Mental Health and Addiction Services to specially tailored outpatient services and programs for new mothers, teenagers and others with specific needs. Woods stressed that El Camino Health’s mental health care extends beyond the alleviation of distress and negative emotions, but also endeavors to boost social relationship functioning, life satisfaction and well-being.
At the educational meeting, Nicole Tarui, MD, reproductive psychiatrist and medical director of El Camino Health’s Maternal Outreach Mood Services (MOMS) Program, served on a panel discussing, “Mental Health: How Cities and Towns Can Help to Address the Mental Health Crisis in our Communities.” Psychiatrist Katherine Taylor, MD, was also in attendance.
Find out more about and the Cities Association’s Mental Health Awareness Initiative and El Camino Health’s mental health and addiction services.
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