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Support For Your Every Need

We offer classes and support groups that provide the support you need to live a healthy and happy life.

The Health Library and Resource Center provides access to health services that are important to wellness and prevention of illness to our entire community including free health screenings, free consultations with health experts and elder care counseling.

Work deadlines, your kid's soccer practice, family dinners, and the list goes on and on. Stress has become a part of our daily lives, especially living and working in Silicon Valley. Learn the tools to master your stress with a Stress Reduction Program.

Our Women's Hospital offers classes for pre-natal and post-natal, childbirth prep, breastfeeding and lactation, baby care, and infant and child CPR.

The Cancer Center offers extensive programs for patients and their families, including healing arts, yoga for relaxation, exercise classes for rebuilding strength, and support groups that provide guidance on each and every need.

For those watching their heart health, the Norma Melchor Heart and Vascular Institute offers support group for those suffering from pulmonary diseases, women's heart health and severe cardiac disease. In addition we provide support and classes for those looking to quit smoking. The Cardiac & Pulmonary Wellness Center offers a lecture series covering all topics of heart health.

Our hospital calendar is the best resource for upcoming support groups, classes and health related lectures and events. The calendar is updated regularly, so check back often for up-to-the-minute updates and additions.

Whatever your health need may be – we are available to provide you the support you need every step of the way.

This article first appeared in the June 2014 edition of the HealthPerks newsletter.