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Investing in the Health of Our Neighbors

Investing in the Health of Our Neighbors

Support local efforts to provide access to quality health and wellness services.

El Camino Healthcare District and El Camino Hospital together support local efforts to provide access to quality health and wellness services through partnerships with nonprofits, school districts, clinics and community service agencies.

  • The Hospital's Total Community Benefit commitment of $64.9 Million includes charity care, community grants and more to address the unmet health needs of vulnerable and underserved community members. See the financial breakdown for FY 2019.
  • $11 Million combined total for 103 grants and 71 sponsorships. See our community partners.

Through grants and sponsorships, the District and the Hospital 
are working with community partners to prevent disease, improve mental health, and make healthcare and healthy choices more accessible. Our FY 2019 Community Benefit Report highlights how our partnerships have meaningful results. Here are just some of the numbers:

Please take a moment to learn more about how we are addressing unmet health needs in our community.


This article first appeared in the January 2020 edition of the HealthPerks newsletter.