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May Health Tips

May 2023 Health Tips

Enjoy spring with these fast and easy health tips!

1-minute: Feeling extra stressed or anxious? Pull up some Bob Marley from your playlist. The beat of a typical reggae tune is 60 per minute, about the rate of a normal heartbeat. Matching your heart rate to the fluid beat will chill you out in no time.

5-minutes: Work on maintaining your balance by standing with your feet firmly apart at hip-width, then shift your weight to one foot and lift the other off the ground slightly. Hold this position for 30 seconds and then repeat on the other side.

15-minutes: Plant a window herb garden. Pick three or four of your favorite herbs, drop a few seeds into small pots with soil, and water lightly every day or two. You'll love watching them grow, and in just 3-5 weeks you'll have delicious herbs to brighten up your summer cuisine.

30-minutes: Hit the hay 30 minutes earlier than usual with a sleep meditation podcast. Search "sleep" on YouTube or your preferred podcast app. The extra sleep and relaxation is sure to put a spring in your step in the morning!


This article first appeared in the May 2023 edition of the HealthPerks newsletter.