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April Health Tips

April 2023 Health Tips

Could your health use a little spring cleaning? Try these easy tips!

1-Minute Tip: Make some lemon-infused water and keep it in the fridge. The refreshing flavor will motivate you to drink more water!

5-Minute Tip: Examine your shoes for wear and tear, and make a plan to replace any that are worn or no longer offer enough tread or support.

15-Minute Tip: Take a break with a healthy cup of green tea. Spend a few minutes relaxing and taking some deep breaths while you enjoy your beverage. Bonus: it counts as part of your water intake for the day!

30-Minute Tip: Take a power nap. Just 20-30 minutes of sleep at midday can improve your mood, increase productivity, and enhance your awareness. Just don't go beyond 30 minutes, or it might impact your ability to sleep at night.


This article first appeared in the April 2023 edition of the HealthPerks newsletter.

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