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August 2024 Health Tips

Summer 2024 Health Tips

As Summer begins to wind down, make the most of it with a few simple tips to get you ready for the coming fall.

1 minute: Buy new lip balm with SPF 30. You likely already have a tube or two stashed with your beach gear, but lip balm can expire just like regular SPF. Buy a bulk pack so everyone in the family can have their own fresh tube.

5 minutes: Toss your pillows into the washing machine. You may be changing your pillowcases weekly but sweat and sunscreen can seep through and get inside your pillows as well, so you should make a habit of washing them regularly. Just be sure to check the manufacturer’s instructions first. Tip: put a few tennis balls (or dryer balls) in the dryer to help them fluff up as they dry!

15 minutes: Prep a whole week’s worth of salad in a jar! Just chop up your favorite vegetables and layer them from the heaviest at the bottom of the jar (dressing and toppings) to the lightest at the top (lettuce and greens). Add in some grain (brown rice, quinoa, etc.) if you like, along with a bit of shredded or cubed cheese. (You can find lots of jar salad recipes online, or just use whatever you have in the fridge.) Keep anything crunchy in a separate bag or sealed cup at the top. When ready to serve, just tip the jar upside down to release the ingredients, then toss with any crunchy accompaniments you want.

30 minutes: Try a 30-minute walk just as the sun is coming up. Forgo coffee and just drink water to keep you hydrated along the way. Listen to a meditation tape or soothing chanting as you go. It’s a great way to get some morning sunlight, set your intentions for the day, and start your day off on a positive note – while it’s still relatively cool and quiet.


This article appeared in the Summer 2024 edition of the HealthPerks newsletter.

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