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How much do you know about your heart health?

Knowing the signs and symptoms of a heart attack is the key to getting immediate treatment that can save your life. But Heart Month is also a great time to evaluate your own heart health, and make sure you know what your risk factors are, and what you can do to better manage them. That why El Camino Hospital is so excited to introduce our Heart Health Profiler, a risk assessment tool that can quickly give you a snapshot of your heart health. This private assessment, which takes about 10 minutes to complete, provides you with some important benchmarks that you can then discuss with your doctor. The tool will be available in just a few weeks, and HealthPerks members will have the first opportunity to try it out. Watch for more information and early access to the tool by the end of the month.

This article first appeared in the February 2014 edition of the HealthPerks newsletter.

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