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Health Tips

June 2019 Health Tips

Since June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, it’s the perfect time to take steps to improve your brain health.

1-Minute Tip: Protect your head. Getting a head injury — even without a diagnosed concussion — can greatly increase your risk of cognitive impairment. Protect your brain by wearing a helmet when doing activities like riding a bike.

5-Minute Tip: A quick way to improve your sleep environment is to identify and remove any blue light sources from your bedroom, which can be especially disruptive to your sleep. You can even download a filter app to avoid looking at blue light on your phone right before bed.

15-Minute Tip: Improve your relationships. Studies have linked having strong social connections with a lower risk of developing dementia, among other health benefits. Take 15 minutes out of your day to call or visit a friend and strengthen your social bonds.

30-Minute Tip: Train your brain. There are plenty of free, brain-healthy activities online that can help you keep your brain sharp. Don’t feel like spending more time online? Stimulate your brain the old-fashioned way by doing a crossword puzzle, sudoku or simply reading a book.


This article first appeared in the June 2019 edition of the HealthPerks newsletter.

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