June Health Tips

June Health Tips

As you really get into the swing of summer, try a few of these easy health tips to stay well and make the most of the season before it flies by!

1 minute: Throw out last years' sunscreen. Sunscreen has an expiration date, and it deteriorates even faster once it’s opened. So be on the safe side and toss anything left over from last year and start with a fresh tube or bottle (at least SPF 30) today.

5 minutes: Pick up a new fruit or vegetable at the farmer’s market. Trying something at the peak of freshness may introduce you to a new favorite – or maybe even change your mind about something you didn’t think you liked. Ask the vendor for cooking/serving suggestions to get some fresh ideas!

15 minutes: Kids home from school for the summer break? Start their day off right with a 15- minute dance party. Everybody gets to pick their favorite song (or take turns each day depending on how big your family is) and the whole family dances with abandon. It's a great way to put a smile on everybody’s face (including yours) and sets a positive tone for the whole day? No children to entertain? Try it with your spouse – or just turn up the volume and dance by yourself!

30 minutes: Disinfect your refrigerator shelves. You may clean and organize your refrigerator regularly, but how long has it been since you’ve done a deep clean? Remove all items (and throw away anything that’s expired), then remove the shelves and wash them thoroughly in hot, soapy water with a drop of bleach. Pay special attention to the produce bins, where dirt and juices can accumulate in hard-to-reach corners. Wipe down all of the interior sides and back before replacing the shelves. And don’t forget about the outside door handles! These should be wiped down daily and thoroughly cleaned at least twice a week.


This article appeared in the June 2024 edition of the HealthPerks newsletter.

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