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Boost your mood

Simple Ways to Boost your Mood

Easy and simple ways to make your year a positive one.

Everyone could use some cheering up—or mood boosting—every once in a while. While our personal circumstances vary widely, there are aspects to our happiness that we can control. Here is a list of ways you can boost your mood and perhaps, somebody else’s! 

 Listen to good music and have a dance party: Throw on some of your favorite music and get moving! Sometimes one of the best ways to get out of a funk is to dance it out. It’s bound to make you smile.

  • Do something kind for someone: Helping others can be as simple as sending a kind message. It’s a small and simple way you can uplift someone else, all the while uplifting yourself.
  • Join a bookclub: Virtual book clubs provide you the opportunity to socialize, connect and read! Reading books can transport you to another world full of excitement and intrigue.
  • Listen to an intriguing podcast: There are so many free podcasts at our disposal, many of which are funny and engaging. Try listening to one of your favorites while you walk, exercise or work.

  • Watch a favorite show: Have some free time? Watch a show that makes you laugh. Or watch a YouTube video that makes you smile. There are many uplifting videos

  • Talk to someone: Nourishing relationships with our loved ones can be especially difficult during our world’s unpredicted stay-home mandates and quarantines. Many of us are susceptible to loneliness, but through modern technology (like FaceTime, Zoom and Google Meetings) we can find ways to connect with our loved ones.

While COVID-19 has been unprecedented and perhaps outside of our control, there are ways we can cultivate a life of happiness and positivity in the future. Try some of these suggestions for ways you can bring greater harmony into your life.

If you’re struggling with prolonged feelings of loneliness and depression, please reach out for support and help. We offer a wide range of services including support groups, specialized programs and experienced mental health professionals.


This article first appeared in the February 2021 edition of the HealthPerks newsletter.

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