Summer Health Tips August 2023

Summer 2023 Health Tips

Even if you're on vacation or enjoying a few days of downtime, there are still some easy health tips you can incorporate into your schedule!

1 minute: Sanitize your toothbrush. Traveling and camping can expose your toothbrush to more germs than normal, so add a few teaspoons of baking soda to a cup of water and swirl it around for 1 minute or so. Rinse thoroughly and enjoy a fresher tooth-brushing experience!

5 minutes: Check for ticks. Any time you or your family are outdoors – especially if you're in the woods or bushy area, it's a good idea to do a quick check for ticks. If you find one, remove it immediately following these easy steps.

15 minutes: Thoroughly remove sunscreen. Never go to bed with sunscreen on – whether it's your face or your body. Sunscreen mixed with sand can be difficult to remove, so invest in a soft-bristle silicone brush (not a loofah, which can scratch the skin if there's sand present) to insure you get the job done and are left with clean and healthy skin.

30 minutes: Spend 30 minutes outside watching the sun slowly set. Research shows that exposing yourself to late afternoon/evening sun can help induce a more restful night of sleep. Of course, be sure to skep the electronics and screens afterwards!


This article first appeared in the August 2023 edition of the HealthPerks newsletter.

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