Community Benefit Grant Program

El Camino Health offers grants and sponsorships to organizations that address specific health needs in our community.

In addition to providing high-quality medical care, El Camino Health commits resources to our community for health promotion and disease prevention, particularly to support community members when they experience vulnerability and health challenges. Through our Community Benefit Program, grants and sponsorships are awarded to programs that meet the specific needs of our local population.

Eligible Programs

Eligible organizations include nonprofits, government-sponsored health programs, school districts, community service agencies, safety net clinics and community-based organizations with a history of service to the residents of our community. To qualify for funding, programs must address an identified health need within one of the following five funding priorities in the 2022 Community Health needs Assessment (CHNA):

  • Healthcare Access & Delivery (including oral health)
  • Behavioral Health (including domestic violence & trauma)
  • Diabetes & Obesity
  • Chronic Conditions (other than diabetes & obesity)
  • Economic Stability (including food insecurity, housing & homelessness)

The CHNA is conducted every three years by El Camino Health in collaboration with other local health systems. Please refer to the 2022 CHNA for more information.

Applying for Sponsorship Funding

  • Submit sponsorship request and any materials to
  • Requestor will be notified of status within two business weeks
  • Unless detailed in the request, please include the following information with your email: sponsorship levels and ad specifications
  • Please include all deadlines